Bernard Nicod Siège

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Contact Natacha NZITA

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CHF 990.-/month (+90.- costs)

1510 Moudon

Business premises for rent - salon takeover

5 minutes from Moudon station
Steps from restaurants and shopping center
Partially furnished commercial area
With bathroom.
(The premises can also be the subject of another activity if necessary)
Staggered rental lease from 990.- for 2 years then 1100.- charges

Further information

Available on request
Reference Local -Moudon

Your rental guarantee without bank deposit

Don't freeze your company's money for your premises, but use it to develop your business!


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    This property is proposed by

    Bernard Nicod Siège
    Avenue de la Gare 26
    1003 Lausanne

    To visit

    Contact Natacha NZITA

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