Régie du Croset S.A.

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1110 Morges

Arcade of 73 m2 in the Pont-Neuf Shopping Center in Morges

Arcade of approximately 73 m2 located on the ground floor of the Pont-Neuf shopping center in Morges.

Close to public transport (bus and CFF train station) and the city center, the shopping center includes more than 18 stores including Migros, Denner, SunStore & Dosenbach.
Rent on request.

For any further information and visit: Sales department.

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Available from now on
Reference 44441.000 015

Flexible rental guarantee, with or without bank deposit


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    This property is proposed by

    Régie du Croset S.A.
    Chemin du Croset 7
    1024 Ecublens

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