Régie du Croset S.A.

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CHF 1'450.-/month (+160.- costs)

1023 Crissier

86 m2 office located in a busy administrative center, Crissier

Surface area of 86 m2 on the 3rd floor of a building located in the immediate vicinity of the Crissier motorway entrances.

Strategic address and amenities at the doorstep.

Other areas are also available in this building, the complete list is available on request. We will be happy to provide you with personalized advice.

For any further information and visit: Sales department.

Further information

Floor 3
Available on request
Reference 3604.003 011

Flexible rental guarantee, with or without bank deposit

Plan your rental guarantee
and save 20%
Lease inception date
(Estimated) amount of rent guarantee i Amount of 3-month guarantee for rent calculated as an estimate. The exact amount will be mentioned in your lease agreement.
Your premium 2025 CHF CHF
Annual premium from 2026 From 2026 CHF
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    This property is proposed by

    Régie du Croset S.A.
    Chemin du Croset 7
    1024 Ecublens

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