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CHF 2'850.-/month

2053 Cernier
170 m²

Cernier Val-de-Ruz: Restaurant-Pizzeria for sale

Cernier (Val-de-Ruz): Very Beautiful Public Establishment to be Handed Over
Selling price of the business CHF 75,000.-
Attractive rent of CHF 2,850.- charges included for 175m2. 100m2 in Retz, (100m2 on the ground floor).
Fully equipped for the production and sale of pizzas to eat in or take away.
Recognized as the most renowned Pizzeria in the town of 2,300 inhabitants.
Very well located close to COOP, MIGROS, DENNER shopping centers and other shops as well as companies/factories.
A usable surface area of approx. 175m2 with a large service bar for efficient service.
An outdoor terrace with 30 seats overlooking the road can be used.
For more information please contact REMICOM Neuchâtel.
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Selling price: CHF 75,000.-
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Further information

170 m² (usable areas)
Available on request
Reference NEUTC20891

Flexible rental guarantee, with or without bank deposit

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and save 20%
Lease inception date
(Estimated) amount of rent guarantee i Amount of 3-month guarantee for rent calculated as an estimate. The exact amount will be mentioned in your lease agreement.
Your premium 2025 CHF CHF
Annual premium from 2026 From 2026 CHF
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Place de Pury 9
2000 Neuchâtel

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