BD Gérance SA

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Duplex 5.5 rooms

CHF 2'600.-/month (+360.- costs)

1595 Faoug
218 m² • 5.5 rooms

FAOUG (VD) - 5.5 room duplex

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Don't miss this opportunity!!!

Treat yourself to the comfort and tranquility of life in the village of Faoug with this magnificent apartment, ideal for a family looking for a peaceful and pleasant living environment.

This 218m2 accommodation is composed as follows:

  • Kitchen open to the living room
  • Large living room
  • 4 bedrooms upstairs
  • 3 Bathrooms (two upstairs and one downstairs)
  • Large balcony with view of Lake Murten
  • Laundry area with washing column
Miscellaneous :

  • Cellar
  • Indoor parking space (1 to 2 possible) for CHF 120.-/space extra
  • Possibility of growing your own vegetable garden for CHF 130 per year
  • Possibility of putting your horse in the stable which is right next door
We remain at your disposal for any further information.

Further information

1st floor
Available from now on
Reference 3165.01.004


Pets allowed

Flexible rental guarantee, with or without bank deposit

Plan your rental guarantee
and save 20%
Lease inception date
(Estimated) amount of rent guarantee i Amount of 3-month guarantee for rent calculated as an estimate. The exact amount will be mentioned in your lease agreement.
Your premium 2025 CHF CHF
Annual premium from 2026 From 2026 CHF
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    This property is proposed by

    BD Gérance SA
    Avenue de Beauregard 30
    1700 Fribourg

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