Les Forestiers du Jura

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Marine Fontalba

Building land

CHF 490'000.-

2900 Porrentruy

2900 Porrentruy, Réf 1949485

Located in the heart of the town of Porrentruy, this magnificent plot offers a surface area of 2,709 m2, and benefits from a privileged location.

Only a few minutes from the city center, the land is located in a quiet and residential area.

The plot enjoys lots of sunshine.

Private environment, out of sight.

The land is located in a HBc type residential zone.
The minimum utilization index is 0.3
The maximum utilization index is 0.6

Further information

2709 m² (surface areas)
Available from now on
Reference 1949485


This property is proposed by

Les Forestiers du Jura
Cour-aux-Moines 10
2900 Porrentruy

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To visit

Contact Les Forestiers du Jura

Marine Fontalba

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