ImmoSky AG - Dübendorf

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Contact Davide Suriano

Building land

CHF 1'184'500.-

9405 Wienacht-Tobel


Are you looking for a dream building plot in the beautiful Appenzell Vorderland? Then you've come to the right place!

Are you planning your dream of owning your own home or have you made building your profession? The plot is in an elevated position and offers a fantastic view of Lake Constance and the Bregenzerwald. The municipality's building regulations are moderate and therefore offer you a lot of flexibility. The plot can be developed from both the north and the south.

This ImmoSky offer offers the following *additional benefits*:

+ residential zone W1.8
+ Perfect location with few neighbors and great views
+ Without architectural commitment
+ Various development options

Have we piqued your interest? Then don't hesitate to contact us today for a non-binding viewing appointment. We look forward to your call.

(The sales dossier will usually be sent to you within a maximum of 24 hours. Please also check your SPAM folder.)

Further information

2300 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 6512081.6512081
Further information


This property is proposed by

ImmoSky AG - Dübendorf
Lagerstrasse 14
8600 Dübendorf

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To visit

Contact Davide Suriano

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