Associés courtiers SA

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Storage room

1844 Villeneuve VD
1 bathroom

1844 Villeneuve VD, Réf Dépôt

Situation :

A Swiss commune in the canton of Vaud, Villeneuve is located in the district of Aigle. The town of Villeneuve is located at the eastern end of Lake Geneva at the foot of the Vaud Prealps at the mouth of the Rhone Valley in the Lake Geneva basin. It constitutes the south of the Vaud Riviera and the north of the Vaud Chablais.

Location :

In this building located in the rapidly developing town of Villeneuve and in the immediate vicinity of the new Riviera/Chablais hospital, we offer for sale a renovated warehouse with an excellent location.

  • Riviera/Chablais Hospital is 3 km away,
  • The bus is 50 m away,
  • The highway is 2.6 km away,
  • The CFF train station is 0.5 km away,
  • Shops are 0.5 km away,
  • Villeneuve center is 0.5 km away.

Selling price: On request

We also offer to help you in your search for financing. Associés Courtiers SA is completely independent of financial institutions, which allows us to find you the best financing for your investment with complete impartiality. For any additional information, contact Associés Courtiers SA.

Further information

Ground floor
Built in 1959
Available from now on
Reference Depot


Public transport
207m - 5 min
141m - 3 min
Nursery school
414m - 9 min
Primary schools
543m - 11 min


Calculate your travel times

    This property is proposed by

    Associés courtiers SA
    Rue William-Haldimand 17
    1003 Lausanne

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