CMV Immobilier

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Mixed use property

CHF 2'400'000.-

1347 Le Sentier

Mixed yield building - Le Sentier

Ideally located in the heart of the Sentier village, this performance building offers exceptional proximity to essential amenities within easy reach (shops, train station, public transport, sports infrastructure).

Its strategic combination of apartments, offices and a restaurant provides a diversified and balanced return between residential and commercial.

In addition to its underground parking, it is equipped with an elevator improving accessibility and comfort for all tenants.


PC shelter, boiler room, tank room, laundry room, storage room, underground car park with 7 parking spaces

Ground floor:
Restaurant, office

1st floor:

2nd Floor:
2 apartments of 4.5 rooms

3rd floor:
2 3-room apartments

The building is fully rented

Further information

4167 m³
702 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1981
Available on request
Reference Les Bruyères 1, 1347 Le Sentier




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    This property is proposed by

    CMV Immobilier
    Grand Rue 22
    1347 Le Sentier

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