Cardis SA

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Commercial 1 room

CHF 2'050'000.-

1820 Montreux
1 room

Commercial space in the heart of Montreux! Gable on the street

Are you looking for commercial premises in a new, modern and dynamic residence? We can offer you 436 sq.m. of space on the first floor of a four-building residence currently under construction in the heart of Montreux, on Rue de l'Église Catholique.

  • Area: 436 m²
  • Located in the heart of Montreux, in an attractive, fast-growing district .
  • Delivery scheduled for summer 2026
  • Park spaces not included

This premises benefits from ideal visibility and a fast-growing environment, perfect for attracting your customers. Ideal for a commercial activity, offices or any other professional project.
Would you like to find out more? Contact our agency today for more information on 41 21 962 86 62 or visit our website:

Further information

Ground floor
Built in 2026
Available on request
Reference 5086118_035971.Lots 1.4LR


Has wheelchair access
New building


464m - 10 min
Primary schools
124m - 3 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Rue du Théâtre 7bis
    1820 Montreux

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    To visit

    Contact Julien Schneider

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