Vaudburo Sàrl

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CHF 1'054'000.-

1068 Les Monts-de-Pully
455 m²

Vaud premises-workshops-warehouses-storage-arcade-etc. on the ground floor.

Location of the premises : east of Lausanne, La Conversion sector, Belmont, Lutry, Pully.

Location :
The premises are close to:
-The highway is 3.1 km away
-The bus (No. 49) is 250 m away
- Pully SBB station is 1.9 km away
-Centre of Lausanne at 4 km

Description :
In a building on several levels, built in 1985 and transformed in 2017, the premises for sale, rectangular in shape, are located on the ground floor, level access and loading dock, with an arcade part and an open part. without partitions.

Use : Industrial, artisanal, storage and/or commercial

Surfaces by levels :
Ground floor: 455 m2
Parking spaces: 8

Financial terms :
Selling price: CHF 1,054,000
Price of parking spaces: CHF 12,000.-/place or CHF 96,000
TOTAL: CHF 1,150,000
Charges extra: water, heating, electricity

Availability of premises : upon agreement

Comments :
Height under ceiling: 2.70 m
Sanitary: Yes
Shower: Yes
Computer cabling: Yes
Showcase: Yes
Offices: Yes
Deposit: Yes
Workshop: Yes
Loading dock: Yes
Condition: Sold as is, to be refreshed.

For any additional information, contact vaudburo or consult other offers on

Further information

Ground floor
455 m² (usable areas)
Available on request
Reference ..(5650304).1227200.1e83acd3-cfaa-11ed-a8f0-005056bdbc06


Has wheelchair access


This property is proposed by

Vaudburo Sàrl la Gare 17
1003 Lausanne

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