Cardis SA

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CHF 2'600'000.-

1890 St-Maurice

Commercial space of more than 7'000m³ on the roadside with parking

At the junction of the cantons of Vaud and Valais, Saint-Maurice is a very busy place thanks to its camping, its restaurants as well as its cultural events taking place during the year. This large warehouse, located on the Route Cantonale, benefits from a lot of traffic and visibility.

Built in 1970 and partially renovated in 2012, it offers a gross floor area of 1'017 sqm per floor and was built on a plot of over 7'000 sqm.

An extension of 700 sqm is possible in no derogation of the limits and in application of the RCCZ.

- Close to the motorway axes
- Built on 2 floors
- Has reduced storage, repair shops and offices
- Available for various professional activities
- Numerous parking spaces in front and behind the building

Further information

7627 m³
6520 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1970
Renovated in 2012
Available on request
Reference 20829




Public transport
1238m - 25 min
1293m - 26 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Avenue de la Gare 46B
    1920 Martigny

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    To visit

    Contact Pedro Domingues

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