Cardis SA

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CHF 2'000'000.-

1868 Collombey

Industrial hall - 6.7% yield and expansion potential

Ideally located in the Bovéry industrial zone in Collombey-Muraz, between the Aigle and Monthey freeway exits, this 2,700 m² plot is home to two fully-rented halls.

Long-term tenants currently offer rental income of around CHF 134,000/year, giving a gross yield of 6,7%.

- Ideal for investment or as a business location
- Excellent roadside visibility
- Truck access
- Outdoor parking
- West hall extension project with planning permission in force

Further information

2697 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1986
Renovated in 2020
Available on request
Reference 035598D


Gas supply
Waste water supply
Power supply
Water supply


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Avenue de la Gare 46B
    1920 Martigny

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    Contact Isabelle Bauwens

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