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Mixed use property

CHF 920'000.-

1542 Rueyres-les-Prés

1542 Rueyres-les-Prés, Réf 5262302

Rueyres-les-Prés, for sale, building to renovate

This building is located in the center of the village of Rueyres-les-Prés.

This is the old village inn.

The potential is there to create many apartments. No project has been carried out to date.

Free of mandate.

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Further information

596 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1900
Renovated in 2000
Available on request
Reference 5262302


Children friendly


1265m - 26 min
Primary schools
245m - 5 min


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    This property is proposed by

    montoit.ch Sàrl
    Zone industrielle, La Guérite 1
    1541 Sévaz

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