JRT Immobilier

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Shop 1 room

CHF 115'000.-

1692 Massonnens
94 m² • 1 room


· Food and various products - Non-food products - Snacks and tea room - Post office branch with very profitable postal services - Partner of the Loterie Romande - Tobacco store.

· Unique grocery store in the village
Sale price of the business CHF 200,000.- The sale price includes a stock of goods worth CHF 30,000.- in the purchase price.

· Any offer will be considered

· Monthly rent CHF 1,200.- charges not included
Very well located store in the premises of the municipal administration and renovated in 2023. This business enjoys a very good reputation with a diverse clientele of all ages.

· Very good profitability for a couple or two people working there.

The 94 m2 store is attractive and fully equipped with professional refrigerated banks, professional freezer banks, culinary workshop for small cold or hot catering and for tea-room, professional gondolas, touch screen cash register with connected scale and payment terminal, large smartTV screen with 6 months of free wifi. All the equipment is in new condition and still under warranty.
Parking area: 135 m2
Outdoor slab for consumers (25 m2)

· The sale price also includes all the equipment and furniture for the outdoor and indoor tea room.

Further information

94 m² (usable areas)
Renovated in 2023
Available on request
Reference JRT24FR10




This property is proposed by

JRT Immobilier
Route de Massonnens 4
1680 Berlens

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