Curtet Immobilier Sàrl

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Residential building

CHF 1'355'000.-

1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
150 m²


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Yverdon-les-Bains, the second largest city in the canton of Vaud, is the capital of the Jura-Nord vaudois district. This town offers an ideal living environment with its pedestrian streets, its castle and its rich history! You will be charmed by the walks along the shores of Lake Neuchâtel. Many shops, varied local companies and a beautiful thermal spa to relax! CFF train station on the Lausanne-Bern axis.

Prime location. The commercial location is ideal, close to the "en Chamard" area and on the edge of Avenue de Grandson, a busy road. The North of Vaud also has a wide range of employment opportunities.

Are you looking for a building combining housing and professional premises for your own use?
Are you looking for a perfect investment? Then don't hesitate any longer.

The property we are selling is ideally located, it is on the corner of Avenue de Grandson.

The building was built in 1964, it includes a large 4.5 room apartment currently vacant, a commercial area with windows of approximately 200 m2 currently rented and a second commercial premises on several levels which was occupied by a music school, it is currently vacant. The apartment and the two commercial premises have independent entrances.

Contact Julien Facchinetti for more information.

Further information

2474 m³
643 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1964
Available on request
Reference 1632516




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    This property is proposed by

    Curtet Immobilier Sàrl
    Rue de la Plaine 34
    1400 Yverdon-les-Bains

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