Morel Immo Sàrl

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Single house 8 rooms

CHF 1'190'000.-

1307 Lussery-Villars
230 m² • 8 rooms

Village house comprising 2 dwellings

In the center of the village. Dominant location with views of the countryside and the Alps.
3.5 rooms, completely renovated in 2010, approx. 130 m2, available.
4.5 rooms, to renovate, approx. 100 m2, current rental agreement, CHF 1,000/month.
Usable areas on the ground floor, approx. 130 m2 (garage, workshop, wine cellar, technical room).
Convertible attic.

Total volume: 1,963 m3.

Plot: 632 m2, entirely in a village area. Tarmac courtyard, numerous outdoor parking spaces, perimeter walls.
Availability: late summer 2025.

Further information

1963 m³
632 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 651A


This property is proposed by

Morel Immo Sàrl
Rue des Bons Enfants 14
1304 Cossonay-Ville

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