Jouan - de Rham SA

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Single house

CHF 5'250'000.-

1297 Founex
400 m² • 5 bedrooms • 4 bathrooms

Family house for sale - Founex

This gorgeous spacious and traditional home is nestled in a quiet residential area in the sought after village of Founex close to the lake and tucked away from any potential sound pollution.

The property is ideal for a large family, due to the size of the garden, the large salt water swimming pool and, of course, the layout of the living spaces.

5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, a large living room with chimney and a second reading or music room, as well as a large playroom, offer several relaxation areas for the whole family to enjoy with or without guests.

The large double garage with a mezzanine offers plenty of storage space and the west-facing garden is ideal for beautiful summer evenings.

Call us on for a viewing.

Further information

1500 m² (surface areas)
640 m² (usable areas)
Available on request
Reference GV3-9


This property is proposed by

Jouan - de Rham SA
Route de Thonon 60
1222 Vésenaz

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