Morel Immo Sàrl

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Single house 8 rooms

CHF 2'150'000.-

1304 Dizy
300 m² • 8 rooms

Beautiful village farm with character

In the village, peace and quiet, with magnificent views of the Alps.
Approx. 300 m2 of floor space, divided into three dwellings + annex.
Workshop - storage. Large space that can be converted.

Total volume: 3,086 m3.

Plot: approx. 1,700 m2, entirely in the village zone (future land use plan).
Numerous outdoor parking spaces.

Availability: immediately.

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3086 m³
1700 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 653A


This property is proposed by

Morel Immo Sàrl
Rue des Bons Enfants 14
1304 Cossonay-Ville

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