Bien en Viager

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Single house 7 rooms

CHF 1'080'000.-

1090 La Croix (Lutry)
816 m² • 4 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • 7 rooms

House with life annuity without annuity

Large house with life annuity without income
Value of the property: 1,500,000.-
You only pay:
The bouquet: 1,080,000.-
Annuity: Without
H: 85 years old

Located 10 kilometers from Lausanne, 2.5 kilometers from the A9, this large building dating from 1857 is located on a large plot of over 1,500 m2 on the edge of a small wood with a stream.

Currently this house is divided into two separate apartments:
* The first apartment is composed of:
- On the ground floor there is a garage, a workshop, a boiler room and an office.
- You will access the first floor by an internal staircase which will take you to the closed kitchen; The day area is composed of a living-dining room and the night area of three bedrooms and a bathroom.

* The second apartment is located on the first floor, it is composed of a closed kitchen, a living-dining room, two bedrooms and a bathroom.

* Finally, the top floor is raw, you can arrange it as you wish and create, for example, two 2.5 room apartments.

Benefiting from a building permit issued after 1973, the building benefits, according to the legal terms, from a GUARANTEE OF ACQUIRED SITUATION (LAT art.23C al 1)

The entire house benefits from a right of use and habitation.

Further information

3372 m³
1559 m² (surface areas)
1112 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1857
Available on request
Reference MAIG-LUT-25-7616




This property is proposed by

Bien en Viager
Chemin des Recluses 8
1213 Petit-Lancy

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