Froidevaux Immobilier SA

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Single house 8 rooms

CHF 5'200'000.-

1172 Bougy-Villars
468 m² • 8 rooms

Exceptional property - Confidential file

Some places are best discovered discreetly... This architect-designed villa, nestled in a spectacular setting, offers a perfect blend of elegance, comfort, and a breathtaking view of Lake Geneva.

With its high-end amenities - indoor pool, modular spaces, refined finishes and private elevator - this property is a real gem for lovers of exclusivity.

Interested? Contact us for more information and access to the complete file.

Further information

1832 m³
1309 m² (surface areas)
Built in 2004
Available on request
Reference 1672124




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    This property is proposed by

    Froidevaux Immobilier SA
    Boulevard de Grancy 32
    1006 Lausanne

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