Tissot Immobilier & Cie SA

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Single house 6.5 rooms

CHF 3'770'000.-

1807 Blonay
6.5 rooms


Located in a haven of peace, with a breathtaking panoramic view, this villa offers unparalleled brightness, very spacious and modern rooms, a very well equipped kitchen, a living room, as well as the terrace overlooking Lake Geneva. east to west, as well as an exceptional view of the Alps. Four parking spaces, including two in garages, complete this property.

More information: www.tissot-immobilier.ch

In one Oasis of the Ruhe is frozen, with one atemberauben Panoramablick, two of the Villa and one unvergleichliche Helligkeit, one geräumige and modern Zimmer, one sehr gut ausgestattete Küche, one Wohnzimmer, ebenso wie die Terrasse mit Blick auf den Genfer See von Osten nach Westen, sowie It's a good idea to see what the Alps are all about. All parking lots, davon zwei in der Garage, vervollständigen diese Immobilie.

More information: www.tissot-immobilien.ch

Set in a haven of peace with breathtaking panoramic views, this villa boasts unrivaled light, spacious, modern rooms, a well-equipped kitchen, a living room and a terrace overlooking Lake Geneva from east to west, as well as an exceptional view of the Alps. Four parking spaces, including two in the garage, complete this property.

More information: www.tissot-realestate.ch

Situated in an oasis of pace with a panoramic view of mozzarella, this villa boasts an unparalleled light, a spacious and modern room, a well-appointed kitchen, a soggiorno and a terrace with views of the Lake of Ginevra. Exclusive to the Alpi. Four posti auto, di cui due nel garage, completano questa proprietà.

Additional information: www.tissot-immobiliare.ch

Further information

Available on request
Reference 8092939AD


Children friendly
Pets allowed


Public transport
200m - 4 min


This property is proposed by

Tissot Immobilier & Cie SA
Route de Lausanne 16
1037 Etagnières

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