PBBG Gérances & Gestions Immobilières SA

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Residential building

CHF 1'150'000.-

1880 Bex
280 m²

Immeuble locatif à Bex

Located in the town of Bex, close to the town center, this beautiful rental building from the beginning of the last century is maintained for the comfort of its occupants.

You will find close to all amenities, shops, transport and services.

Yield building, with character, built in 1910, made up of PPE of 3 lots (3 x 3.5 rooms), fully rented to date.

Building classified as note 3.

Individual heating per apartment.

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1807 m³
1017 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1910
Available on request
Reference 61398.61398.61398
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This property is proposed by

PBBG Gérances & Gestions Immobilières SA
Rue Beau-Séjour 15
1002 Lausanne

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