Cardis SA

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Bifamiliar house 5.5 rooms

CHF 1'295'000.-

1880 Bex
185 m² • 4 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 5.5 rooms

Villa Rosa", a magnificent semi-detached villa with garages

The town of Bex is located in the far east of the canton of Vaud in the Chablais vaudois region, on the plains. Monthey town centre, the Lavey thermal baths and Martigny are less than 10 minutes away by car.

- The latest in ernergy-saving technology
- Optimum comfort thanks to light-filled rooms
- Built in 2023, optimal sunshine
- Residential and friendly neighbourhood
- 3 parking spaces

Further information

892 m³
1187 m² (surface areas)
Built in 2023
Available on request
Reference 5306863


New building


602m - 13 min
Primary schools
5180m - 104 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Rue du Théâtre 7bis
    1820 Montreux

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