Associés courtiers SA

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Residential building

CHF 2'300'000.-

1880 Bex

1880 Bex, Réf Immeuble - Bex

Located in the rapidly developing town of Bex with a population of around 8,000 inhabitants.

Bex is known for its Salt Mines tourist site which welcomes some 65,000 visitors per year. There are shops, banks, schools (primary and secondary) and daycares on site.

Riviera/Chablais Hospital is 20 km away,
The bus is 260 m away,
The highway is 2.8 km away,
The CFF station is 2.6 km away,
Shops are 950 m away,
Bex center is 950 m away.

The artisanal building is made up of 6 depots/workshops, 5 box garages, 9 outdoor parking spaces on a plot of land of almost 5000 m2.

With the artisanal building a building of 5 apartments is sold. Apartment rents pay off your entire mortgage loan.

- Residential building:

5 apartments

- Industrial building:

6 Depots / Workshops

- Appendices:

5 box garages 9 outdoor parking spaces

Sale price: On request

For any further information, contact Associés Courtiers SA.

Further information

6733 m³
4895 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference Immeuble - Bex


Children friendly


Public transport
190m - 4 min
845m - 17 min
Primary schools
982m - 20 min


This property is proposed by

Associés courtiers SA
Rue William-Haldimand 17
1003 Lausanne

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