Cardis SA

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Villa 6.5 rooms

CHF 2'500'000.-

1941 Vollèges
244 m² • 5 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • 6.5 rooms

6.5 room villa with possibility of independent studio

In the heart of the village of Vollèges, at the entrance to the Val de Bagnes, this detached villa is ideally located in a quiet, nuisance-free residential area. Located in a 30km/h zone, it is set in a popular family neighborhood, ideally situated close to all amenities.

- Spacious 6.5-room detached villa in the heart of Vollèges, at the entrance to the Val de Bagnes commune.
- Bright, spacious living space on two levels
- Spacious bedroom and shower room to create an independent studio with private terrace and small garden
- Master suite with dressing room and bathroom
- Ideal for families or professionals.

A must-see!

Further information

291 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2013
Available on request
Reference 039510




700m - 14 min
Primary schools
500m - 10 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Avenue de la Gare 46B
    1920 Martigny

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