Cardis SA

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Single house 7.5 rooms

CHF 890'000.-

1955 St-Pierre-de-Clages
240 m² • 7.5 rooms

Opportunity! Barn combining old-world charm and modernity!

Ideally located in the charming village of St-Pierre-de-Clages, this renovated former barn enjoys a privileged, residential location, just a stone's throw from shops, public transport and the station.

- Large openings to the outside
- High ceilings (over 5 meters from the living room)
- Interior layout and choice of materials are up to the tenant
- Plans and estimates available
- Garage with space for up to 2 vehicles

Further information

143 m² (surface areas)
340 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2019
Renovated in 2020
Available from now on
Reference 12380




Public transport
150m - 3 min
1306m - 27 min
Nursery school
1538m - 31 min
Primary schools
1538m - 31 min
Secondary schools
5637m - 113 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Avenue de la Gare 46B
    1920 Martigny

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    Contact Michael Imoberdorf

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