Berra Immobilier SA

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Chalet 7.5 rooms

1911 Ovronnaz
222 m² • 7.5 rooms

High standing chalet in the mountains!

Sale to foreigners and second homes authorized.

Splendid Individual Chalet of 7.5 rooms, 221.5 m2 with prime location. This property, accessible all year round by car, benefits, among other things, from a magnificent Spa (Sauna

Further information

1235 m³
791 m² (surface areas)
323 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2010
Renovated in 2019
Available on request
Reference 729990




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    This property is proposed by

    Berra Immobilier SA
    Pré-de-Foire 26
    1920 Martigny

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