Compagnie Immobilière Romande - Valais

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Single house

CHF 750'000.-

1926 Fully
117 m²

House with two independent apartments

Unique opportunity in Fully: House with two independent apartments

Discover this welcoming house located in the charming village of Fully, composed of two independent apartments for a total surface area of 117 m², ideal for a family, a rental investment, or for a multigenerational configuration.

Description of the apartments:

  • 4.5 room apartment
  • 2.5 room apartment

Rental income: 25200.-/year

Further information

Available on request
Reference LYZ5-LVJK-609


This property is proposed by

Compagnie Immobilière Romande - Valais
Route des Zirès 28
3963 Crans-Montana

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