Agence Eugster SA

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Single house 5 rooms

CHF 770'000.-

1934 Fontenelle (Le Châble)
160 m² • 4 bedrooms • 5 rooms

House in Fontenelle

This typical house is located in the center of the picturesque village of Fontenelle-Dessus, just a few minutes from the Verbier resort in the Val de Bagnes, at an altitude of 1,060 m. Comprising a 4-room apartment on two floors and a large studio in the attic, the house has a surface area of approximately 160 m².

Further information

3 levels
77 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference Fontenelle Maison




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    This property is proposed by

    Agence Eugster SA
    Route de Verbier-Station 100
    1936 Verbier

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