John Taylor Crans-Montana

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Chalet 9.5 rooms

3963 Crans-Montana
7 bedrooms • 5 bathrooms • 9.5 rooms

Off Market: Unique and historic property in the center of Mont

Exceptional property: Rare and unique property with a living area of over 400m2, built in the late 1930s on a plot of over 1500m2 with a beautiful, discreet garden in a site steeped in history.

The house was partially renovated in 2010 and now offers 7 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms/shower rooms, 1 sauna, 1 fitness room, 1 wine cellar and 1 garage for several vehicles.

If you are interested in this beautiful property, we would be happy to discuss it discreetly with you at our agency in Crans-Montana.

Price: over CHF 15M.

All information will be sent to you after you have filled out a form with your personal details.

Sale as primary residence (R1) to Swiss citizens and foreigners with a B or C permit: YES
Sale as a second residence (R2) to Swiss citizens and foreigners with a B or C permit: YES
. Sale as a second home (R2) to foreigners: NO

We also have other properties available off-market. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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4 levels
Available on request
Reference OM0218CR
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Waste water supply


This property is proposed by

John Taylor Crans-Montana
Rue Centrale 29
3963 Crans-Montana

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