Muz'immo SA

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Single house 5 rooms

CHF 640'000.-

1906 Charrat
200 m² • 5 rooms

Village house in the heart of Charrat

Discover this village house located in the heart of Charrat, offering remarkable potential for buyers wishing to renovate. With a living area of approximately 200 m², this property stands out for its impressive useful surface area of approximately 570 m². Its generous volume of 2390 m³ is a major asset, allowing numerous possibilities for development and transformation. This is an opportunity not to be missed for those who are considering creating a unique and personalized living space or creating several apartments.

Further information

2390 m³
644 m² (surface areas)
570 m² (usable areas)
Available on request
Reference Maison villageoise


This property is proposed by

Muz'immo SA
Route de la Courtaz 63
1991 Salins

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