Agence Trachsel SA

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Chalet 4.5 rooms

CHF 790'000.-

1974 Arbaz
91 m² • 4.5 rooms

Chalet in Mayens d'Arbaz

beautiful holiday chalet in Mayens d'Arbaz, quiet location on the edge of the forest. A private access road takes you to the chalet which has 2 parking spaces, 1 covered space and a garage. Under the garage is a 30 m2 storage room

Composition of the chalet:

Basement: large cellar of 28 m2

Ground floor 58 m2: Entrance hall, laundry room, bedroom, bathroom, living room with fitted kitchen and fireplace

Floor 33 m2: 2 bedrooms, WC-sink

The chalet is sold with furniture

Further information

3 levels
1573 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1989
Available on request
Reference Chalet à Mayens d'Arbaz




This property is proposed by

Agence Trachsel SA
Route Nord 5
1972 Anzère

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