Chalet 4.5 rooms

CHF 160'000.-

6956 Lopagno
4.5 rooms
Your mortgage from: CHF <span class="sh-amount"></span>
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Located in the Roggià/Rogià area, with a magnificent view, in a small residential area, the 4.5-room house is equipped with a kitchen, living room with underfloor heating, pergola with vineyard on the ground floor and fireplace-grill in the garden behind the house) . The house is suitable for nature lovers who want to spend relaxing days surrounded by nature. Requires some small external maintenance work.
It can be accessed on foot along a mostly flat path, approx. 20 minute walk from the road above Somazzo.
The house can also be reached with a Quad starting from Tesserete.

This offer from BETTERHOMES is highlighted for the following advantages:
- Magnificent view
- Pergola with Vineyard
- Chimney
- Grill with spacious terrace
- etc, etc, etc...
- etc., etc., etc. ...

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Beyond data
Position: Hill with open view
Condition of the object: Good, Requires some small external maintenance work.

Bathrooms / Showers: 1 WC/Shower
Public transport: Lopagno 5000m
Schools: Lopagno 5000m
Shops: Lopagno 5000m

Further information

222 m² (surface areas)
Available on request
Reference 1342312
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Flurstrasse 30
8048 Zürich