Cardis SA

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Single house 14 rooms

CHF 5'350'000.-

2022 Bevaix
430 m² • 10 bedrooms • 4 bathrooms • 14 rooms

Sublime mansion with lake access

This magnificent mansion, ideally located, will seduce you with its many features.

With a living area of around 430 m2 and a garden of over 10,000 m2, this house offers exceptional living and outdoor spaces.

It comprises 14 rooms, including 10 bedrooms, 4 shower rooms, a fitted kitchen opening onto the dining room, and a living room with veranda.

A cellar, 5 indoor parking spaces and around ten outdoor spaces complete this exceptional property

Further information

3550 m³
14265 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1873
Renovated in 2006
Available on request
Reference 036081D




196m - 4 min
Primary schools
2912m - 59 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Cardis SA
    Rue des Chavannes 3
    2000 Neuchâtel

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