Luxury Places SA

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Single house 9 rooms

1231 Conches
550 m² • 5 bedrooms • 7 bathrooms • 9 rooms

Architect-designed property with swimming pool, Coches, Geneva

Nestled in the heart of Conches, one of Geneva's most prestigious neighborhoods, this architect-designed house is on plot of about 2000sqm and offers an exceptional living environment. With its spacious, modern design, it features a guest annexe and a lush garden with swimming pool and wellness area.

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Further information

1875 m² (surface areas)
Built in 2011
Available on request
Reference 5158144


1301m - 27 min
Primary schools
1350m - 27 min


This property is proposed by

Luxury Places SA
Rue du Grand-Pont 2 bis
1003 Lausanne

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