MAV immobilier sarl

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Residential building

CHF 2'290'000.-

1680 Romont FR

Rental building in downtown Romont

Located in downtown Romont, close to all amenities, this mixed-use building offers strong revenue potential. It consists of a retail space and 10 currently rented apartments.

Ground floor:

3.5 room apartment
1st floor:

2.5 room apartment
1.5 room apartment
2.5 room apartment
2nd floor:

2.5 room apartment
1.5 room apartment
2.5 room apartment
3rd floor:

3.5 room apartment
1.5 room apartment
2.5 room apartment
Basement :

Technical room

This is a property with potential for return, ideal for an investor.

For more information or to arrange a visit, you can contact the following number: 078/6278257.

Further information

3 levels
2373 m³
172 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1850
Renovated in 2017
Available on request
Reference Romont immeuble


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    This property is proposed by

    MAV immobilier sarl
    Grand-Rue 9
    1680 Romont FR

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