Morges Immo Sàrl

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Apartment 4.5 rooms

CHF 830'000.-

1169 Yens
135 m² • 4.5 rooms

Beautiful attic apartment

Beautiful 4.5 room apartment in the attic of a small PPE of three lots. Located in an idyllic living environment close to amenities and nature, it offers a magnificent view of the lake, the mountains and the countryside. Lot n ° 2, of 135 m2, is located on the 3rd floor.

Further information

135 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1889
Renovated in 2013
Available from now on
Reference 1500778




This property is proposed by

Morges Immo Sàrl
Rue Louis-de-Savoie 80
1110 Morges

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