Cardis SA

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Apartment 3.5 rooms

CHF 1'890'000.-

1009 Pully
2 bedrooms • 3.5 rooms

Magnificent 3.5 rooms rare on the market!

Nestled in a contemporary building erected in 2008, this spacious 3.5-room apartment enjoys a privileged location just a few minutes from the heart of Pully. Situated in a peaceful, pleasant residential area, it benefits from immediate proximity to all amenities: shops, schools, public transport and much more.

- Rare on the market
- Spacious
- Bright
- Contemporary
- Just a few minutes from the heart of Pully

Further information

1st floor
Built in 2009
Available on request
Reference 040755


Children friendly
Built according to Minergie standards


500m - 10 min


This property is proposed by

Cardis SA
Avenue Mon-Repos 22
1005 Lausanne

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