Bien en Viager

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Apartment 5.5 rooms

CHF 870'000.-

1110 Morges
125 m² • 4 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 5.5 rooms

Very spacious apartment with garden in occupied life annuity without annuity

Very spacious apartment with garden in occupied life annuity without annuity

Value of the property: 1,300,000.-
You only pay:
Bouquet: 870,000.-
H: 80 years old

Located on the garden level, this spacious 5.5 room apartment offers a pleasant living environment. It consists of a closed kitchen, a bright living room with a fireplace, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere.

The sleeping area consists of four spacious bedrooms, accompanied by two bathrooms (one with a bathtub and one with a shower), thus offering optimal comfort for the whole family.

The private 160 m² garden is a major asset for this apartment, offering a generous and intimate outdoor space.

For parking, one covered space and one outdoor space are available and included in the price.
The apartment is on the gable end and the garden therefore goes all the way around the apartment.

The property is in a quiet area, right in the city center. Prime investment.

Further information

160 m² (surface areas)
Built in 1988
Available on request
Reference APPC-MOR-25-7825




This property is proposed by

Bien en Viager
Chemin des Recluses 8
1213 Petit-Lancy

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