John Taylor Montreux

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Apartment 5.5 rooms

CHF 1'390'000.-

1820 Montreux
130 m² • 5.5 rooms

EXCLUSIVE! 5.5-room apartment with sumptuous view

-Building located 5 minutes from the heart of Montreux.
-Panoramic view of the lake and the entire Montreux region...wwwwaaaoouuwww!!!!
-Completely renovated in 2021, the apartment is like new.
-Perfectly oriented, it is very bright.
-Large living room with open kitchen, fireplace and dining area, plus access to balcony
-Large 29m2 balcony-terrace
-4 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
-1 external parking space (CHF 20'000.-)
-This property can be sold to foreign non-residents as a second home.

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Ground floor
145 m² (usable areas)
Built in 1982
Renovated in 2021
Available on request
Reference V0118MX
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This property is proposed by

John Taylor Montreux
Avenue du Casino 10
1820 Montreux

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