Régie Immosol SA

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Courtage - Mark Besserer

Apartment 4.5 rooms

CHF 1'038'250.-

1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
90 m² • 3 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • 4.5 rooms

Le Mont - New 4.5-room apartments - Terraces - Gardens

Last Opportunities - 4.5-room apartments.

Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, in the Etavez-Devant district, development and construction of a new neighborhood featuring apartments from 2.5 to 4.5 rooms, local shops and professional areas (doctor, pharmacy etc. ..).

This new "Les Haies Vives" residence will be located on Route de Cugy, a few steps from the Grand-Mont bus station (lines 8, 54, 60 and N1), and close to the Mont's schools and shops.

The 4.5-room apartments feature large terraces and/or gardens. Large bay windows provide natural light and unobstructed views of the forest and Jura mountains. The residence comprises 5 small buildings with elevators on 3 levels.

Internal and external parking spaces available at extra cost.

Prices 4.5 rooms:

- Ground floor with terrace and garden : From CHF 1'141'750.- excluding parking
- 1st floor : From CHF 1'038'250.- excluding parking
- Top floor / Attic : From CHF 1'053'500.- excl. parking

Link to a virtual tour of a 4.5-room apartment: https://custimmo.com/a-vendre-a-louer/haies-vives-b214/

Contact us for further information or to visit our offices in Le Mont-sur-Lausanne:

Mark Besserer
Zacharie Eloire
(Images non contractuelles)

Further information

Built in 2025
Available on request
Reference Etavez Le Mont 4.5 pieces Neuf




304m - 7 min
Primary schools
513m - 11 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Régie Immosol SA
    En Budron H11
    1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne

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    To visit

    Contact Département de vente

    Courtage - Mark Besserer

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