Jouan - de Rham SA

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CHF 1'490'000.-

1297 Founex
95 m² • 2 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms

Beautiful 3.5 room apartment

The Parc des Repingonnes residence is ideally located in the heart of the village of Founex. It was built in 2016 and benefits from the Minergie label.

The apartment is on the 1st floor and has an unobstructed view of the mountains and surrounding countryside.

The living area is 95 m2, divided into a very large, bright living room which gives access to a large south-facing terrace, a fitted kitchen, two bedrooms with balconies, one of which is a master bedroom with bathroom, another bathroom and a guest WC.

A cellar and two underground parking spaces complete the package.

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Available on request
Reference A-25-014


This property is proposed by

Jouan - de Rham SA
Route de Thonon 60
1222 Vésenaz

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