BAY Invest Sàrl

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Duplex 3.5 rooms

CHF 530'000.-

1963 Vétroz
85 m² • 3.5 rooms

Vétroz, 3 1/2 apartment facing south

Vétroz, in a small PPE of 4 apartments, very nice 3 1/2 rooms duplex of 85m2 with very beautiful view due south. Lots of character for this completely renovated object. Heat pump heating.

1. Duplex

Entrance hall
Room of 14m2
Room of 9m2
Shower room WC/bath, washing column
Staircase leading to the living area
Living room kitchen floor of 47m2 with magnificent bay window facing south, Finnish stove
Solar skylights under the roof

2. Miscellaneous

Cellar of 15m2
Parking space extra (CHF 15,000.--)

Further information

1st floor
2 levels
Renovated in 2018
Available on request
Reference Appartement 3 1/2 Vétroz


Waste water supply
Power supply
Water supply
Pets allowed


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    This property is proposed by

    BAY Invest Sàrl
    St-Guérin 30
    1950 Sion

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