Albéric Immobilier Sàrl

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CHF 625'000.-

1963 Vétroz
92 m²

3.5 room apartment

Exclusively, ALBERIC IMMOBILIER offers you these charming apartments, in a new contemporary construction of 12 housing units, in Vétroz. These bright apartments will offer you quality design and equipment, as well as an unparalleled quality of life, thanks to its prime location.
Example of typology: App. A11 and A12 of 3.5 rooms: Entrance hall with built-in wardrobe, guest toilet, kitchen open to the living room with bay windows giving access to the terrace, suite, a bathroom, 2 bedrooms, a lawn of 265m2

Special features: Contemporary design, solar gas heating, finishing materials and equipment of your choice, indoor parking space.
Complete file on request.
NB: Visit only in the presence and with the prior agreement of the Albéric Immobilier real estate agency. We are not responsible for location errors generated by internet portals.
We speak French, We speak English, Falamos Português, Hablamos español, Si Parla italiano

Further information

265 m² (usable areas)
Available on request
Reference 2770


This property is proposed by

Albéric Immobilier Sàrl
19, route de la Morge
1964 Conthey

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