Künzle Fiduciaire et Gérance SA

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Apartment 4.5 rooms

CHF 520'000.-

1891 Vérossaz
110 m² • 4.5 rooms

Vérossaz - 4.5 room apartment

Ideal for a family, 4.5 room accommodation in its green setting.
With a weighted surface area of approximately 110 m2, this lot consists of an entrance hall with cupboards, two bathrooms (1x bath, 1x shower), three bedrooms and a spacious living room with open kitchen.

The lot is completed by a large cellar, a balcony and a central vacuum cleaner.

1 garage extra: 30,000.-
2 additional outdoor parking spaces: 2 x 15,000.-

Charges: 456.- / month
Renovation fund: (approximately) 35,000.-

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1st floor
Built in 2013
Available on request
Reference A1330
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Public transport
100m - 2 min
100m - 2 min


This property is proposed by

Künzle Fiduciaire et Gérance SA
Av. du Théâtre 20
1870 Monthey

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