Muz'immo SA

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Apartment 4.5 rooms

CHF 445'000.-

1950 Sion
85 m² • 4.5 rooms

4.5 room apartment in St-Guérin

MUZ'Immo SA offers you a real opportunity in the St-Guérin district of Sion.

Discover a functional and well-located 4.5-room apartment for CHF 445,000. Ideal for a first purchase or an investment!

It is located 4 min. walk from a bus stop, 1 min. walk from secondary schools and 5 minutes walk from primary schools. In 10 minutes walk you will be in the city center of Sion. A proximity to the city and calm at the same time.

Further information

Available on request
Reference Appartement 4.5 pièces St-Guérin


Public transport
200m - 4 min
Primary schools
200m - 4 min
Secondary schools
50m - 1 min


This property is proposed by

Muz'immo SA
Route de la Courtaz 63
1991 Salins

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