Abitasion Sàrl

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Apartment 4.5 rooms

CHF 1'200'000.-

3960 Sierre
128 m² • 4.5 rooms

Sierre Apprt- 4.5 room villa

Sierre apartment/villa

AbitaSion Sierre, offers for sale a 4.5 room apartment on the 1st floor of a contemporary residence of 2 apartments.

As part of construction (from September 2023) in the Locherbach district of Sierre, we are offering for sale a 4-room apartment on the 1st floor in a contemporary residence of 2 apartments. This apartment is described as follows:

Entrance hall with cloakroom, living room, dining area and open kitchen with island
central, a double bedroom with shower room with sink

Further information

1st floor
159 m² (usable areas)
Built in 2023
Available from now on
Reference 719669


New building


This property is proposed by

Abitasion Sàrl
Rue des Creusets 5
1950 Sion

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