Tscherry immobilier

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CHF 215'000.-

3960 Muraz (Sierre)
49 m²

Sierre, 2.5 room apartment rented / yield 5%

Called the city of the sun, Sierre will charm you with its radiance, but also with its wine estate. Charming alleys, an elegant town hall and many restaurants will invite you to linger in this welcoming city, which will also give you the opportunity to stroll for a few hours in its magnificent green space of Lake Géronde. Sierre offers a large number of activities and remains rich in art and culture. A city with a unique atmosphere, where young and old feel good


This 2.5 room apartment is located in Muraz, rue de mura 69, a very popular location overlooking the town of Sierre. This property is located in the immediate vicinity of public transport stops and the funicular (Sierre / Crans-Montana connection). The center of the town of Sierre and all its amenities are two minutes away by car and 10 minutes on foot.

apartment N0 7 on the 1st west with a living area of 42.43 m2 NET and 49.90 m2 Gross
Entrance hall, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen with washing machine and dining area, living room with soapstone.

Rental status:
Muraz apartment No. 7: CHF 900.-
Total year:
CHF 10,800



Further information

1st floor
3 levels
Available from now on
Reference muraz 1




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    This property is proposed by

    Tscherry immobilier
    Chemin du Soleil 19
    1907 Saxon

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