Sarbach Real Estate & Consulting

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Duplex 7.5 rooms

CHF 1'440'000.-

3954 Leukerbad
271 m² • 7.5 rooms

Apartment house ZUM TURM unique, very spacious 7.5 room double attic apartment in country house style

7.5 room double attic apartment with two attic galleries (3.5 room apartment plus 4.5 room apartment), entire 3rd floor, unobstructable location, built in 1994, approx. 271 m2, 2 large living rooms, fireplace, open well-equipped kitchen with granite top, 3 bathrooms, handmade terracotta floors , parquet floors, terrace approx. 34 m2, 3 cellars, ski room/laundry room, 2 garage spaces.


Further information

Built in 1994
Available from now on
Reference 7.5-01


Power supply
Water supply


Public transport
100m - 2 min
500m - 10 min
Nursery school
500m - 10 min
Primary schools
500m - 10 min
Secondary schools
500m - 10 min


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    This property is proposed by

    Sarbach Real Estate & Consulting
    Obere Maressenstrasse 57
    3954 Leukerbad

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